
The cartApplyCoupons mutation allows you to apply coupon codes to specific bags within a cart. The mutation returns the updated Cart with the applied coupons.

mutation CartApplyCoupons($id: ID!, $input: CartApplyCouponsInput!) {
  cartApplyCoupons(id: $id, input: $input) {
    # Other fields of the Cart type can be queried here

Input Parameters

  • id: The unique identifier of the cart to which you want to apply the coupons.
  • input: An object containing the details of the bags and the coupon codes you want to apply.


  • bags: An array of CartApplyCouponInput objects, each representing a bag and the coupon codes to be applied to it.


  • bagId: The unique identifier of the bag.
  • couponCodes: An array of coupon codes to be applied to the specified bag.


  "id": "cart_ZMe6Bb4GqqUe3BWV",
  "input": {
    "bags": [
        "bagId": "bag_ZOX6W0BvVdghMRZP",
        "couponCodes": ["COUPON10", "FREESHIP"]
        "bagId": "bag_ZOX6aEBvVdghMRZT",
        "couponCodes": ["NEWUSER5"]

In this example, the coupon codes COUPON10 and FREESHIP are applied to the bag with ID bag_ZOX6W0BvVdghMRZP, and the coupon code NEWUSER5 is applied to the bag with ID bag_ZOX6aEBvVdghMRZT.